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A look back at our annual conference “A Zero-Waste Lifestyle”

2-Conférence annuelle MTE

After a year off due to COVID-19, the Annual Energy Transition Conference was held on Monday 10 May, attended by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince and Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.


Broadcast live in digital format, our conference, on the theme of “A Zero-Waste Lifestyle”, this year sought to highlight one of the key current challenges in the energy transition: minimising our plastic waste, which is responsible for nearly a third of the Principality’s CO2 emissions. The selection of this theme was an opportunity for us to highlight a number of national and international initiatives that are often not well known but are having a major impact on reducing waste at source.


The Loop, a concrete example of how to reduce plastic 


Our annual event began with a presentation on the results of the review of the National Energy Transition Pact in the Principality, setting out the key figures for the Mission for Energy Transition in 2020 and demonstrating the commitment of Pact signatories, both individuals and businesses. The results of this survey are available here.

Then, Blandine Surry, General Manager of start-up The Loop, gave us a concrete example of an initiative to reduce plastic in our daily lives. The Loop’s aim is to offer consumers a genuine solution that will help them to reduce consumption of plastic waste at source, by enabling them to purchase everyday products in returnable packaging. And it works: today, in partnership with Carrefour France, Loop is introducing the circular economy to the retail sector with the help of an innovative packaging return system. 


Three Monegasque initiatives recognised for their innovative actions

Finally, we were delighted to reward the three Monegasque waste reduction initiatives that received the most votes in a contest organised by the Mission for Energy Transition to acknowledge and highlight the most striking efforts. The trophies, crafted by artist Joel Rebière from recycled metals in the form of an olive tree, were presented by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince. 

The lucky winners were:

  • Dr Laure Bonnet, for Princess Grace Hospital, which has taken a number of actions within its operating theatres to limit the environmental impact of this particularly energy-intensive area of activity. Princess Grace Hospital has managed to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 991,000 kg of CO2 equivalent and save nearly €30,000 per year! The introduction of reusable laryngoscope blades means that each blade can now be used 1,250 times over a period of ten years. 


  • Sylvie Biancheri, Director of Grimaldi Forum Monaco, which has introduced an eco-design approach to its exhibitions, focusing primarily on the waste produced by the sets developed. The aim is to reduce the production of waste at source, reuse set furniture and recycle used materials. Four years ago, just 13% of waste was sorted and recycled, compared with 73% today.


  • Roland Mouflard, for the Odyssée hairdressing salon, which is taking a highly eco-friendly approach to its work, whether that means choosing responsible suppliers, offering eco-friendly products or seeking out every opportunity to reduce, sort and reuse in order to generate as little waste as possible. In addition, the salon donates cut hair to the charity Coiffeurs Justes, which uses it to clean up pollution in harbours thanks to the lipophilic properties of hair that allow it to soak up hydrocarbons.

Monaco steps up its commitment to “A Zero-Waste Lifestyle”

Already on a successful path to reducing waste, the Principality is continuing to step up its commitment with clear and specific new measures to achieve its target of zero plastic by 2030. Find out all about these new measures in this special article.


To watch or rewatch the annual conference in its entirety, click here!

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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59