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Camille Clément from Altiqa discusses the group’s energy transition


Based in Switzerland and Monaco for more than 40 years,  Altiqa is a corporate consultancy firm, advising on everything from strategy to everyday management of all aspects of entrepreneurial activity.


Firmly established in the Principality with more than 25 staff in the country, Altiqa is a member of the Monegasque Association of Corporate Service Providers (AMPA) and now contributes to defining and showcasing Monaco on the international stage as a place for business.


The group, which is a signatory of the  National Energy Transition Pact , now wants to strengthen its environmental commitments to prove that economic performance can and must go hand in hand with saving the planet.


One of the firm’s staff, Camille Clément, shares with us what signing the Pact means for Altiqa.


“Our decision to sign up to the National Energy Transition Pact was motivated by our Deputy Director, Claudia Vico. When Claudia learned about the Pact, she wanted our company to get involved to help us move our practices forward as part of a sustainable vision.

Throughout 2018, the firm underwent some significant changes, including a process of reflection about who we are and what we want to help our clients achieve. Switching to a more responsible future, fully aware of environmental challenges, was an integral part of this reflection.


Among other things, these changes led to the adoption of a new name and the use of new offices, which are entirely designed around users and sustainable development, through optimising the use of natural light, employing natural materials and LED lighting, and introducing a waste recycling system.


Our practices have also changed. Following our signature of the Pact, we installed a filtration system on the public water supply system to eliminate our plastic bottle consumption. This filter means that we now have access to fresh, filtered water as well as sparkling water. To complement this, we have invested in stainless steel isotherm flasks for all staff, and elegant glass bottles for clients in the meeting room.

With this action alone, we immediately noticed that our recycling bin for packaging had gone down considerably, eliminating consumption of around 700 plastic bottles a month. We also soon noticed a reduction in cost, since refilling the gas bottles, which are returnable, only comes to €32 per month – eight times less than our previous monthly expenditure on bottled water.


Other actions followed, such as a training session on waste sorting and recycling delivered by SMA, buying only fully recycled paper for all our printing, and awareness emails which are regularly sent out to remind all staff of the many big and little things that can be done on a daily basis.


Thanks to this initial action, which has been visible to everyone, our commitment has encouraged awareness and reflection on the part of our staff, and not just in Monaco but among our Swiss colleagues too, who have also adopted some of these actions.


Everyone is taking part in this initiative at the right level for them. It may have been launched as a company-wide initiative, but it is also very much a personal and individual project. Everyone comes up with their own little suggestion, adds their own thoughts, ideas or feedback. In the end, without even noticing, everyone takes part, if only, when clearing away their lunch everyday day, to ask their neighbour the same question: “what about this, where does this go?” Something no one in the office was asking barely two years ago...”

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59