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Don’t Look Up: A True Story?


As part of a three-month focus on the environment led by the Monaco Multimedia Library , the Mission for Energy Transition organised an evening debate on the issues raised by the successful film Don’t Look Up on Tuesday 10 May. 

What is holding back a more rapid and coordinated response to the climate emergency? What solutions will help us to move faster, together?

The event, at the Louis Notari Library, was a sell-out.

Five personalities from the Principality took part in the debate led by Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Director of the Mission for Energy Transition:

- Dr Nathalie Hilmi, Lead Researcher for Environmental Economics at the Monaco Scientific Centre and an expert in macroeconomics and international finance

- Délia Kriel, journalist at La Gazette de Monaco with an interest in environmental issues and a double signatory of the National Pact

- Joana Foglia Berrebi, an expert in “blue” sustainable finance and Editor of Wealth Monaco magazine , who brings the challenges of sustainability to the attention of private and institutional investors and management companies

- Olivier Wenden, Vice President and CEO of the Prince Albert II Foundation , which aims to bring together scientists, politicians, businesses and civil society organisations to help protect the ocean and the land

- Sébastien Uscher, Founder and President of the Stand Up For The Planet association , and Sustainable Development Project Manager at Decathlon France , who talked about the “environmental awakening”

An exceptional line-up which fully lived up to its promise.

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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59