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Let’s work together to save energy


The European energy system is under considerable strain, and the French system, on which we are dependent, is no exception.

Many of you have been asking us about what you can do or sharing with us your ideas to reduce your energy consumption. After all, anyone can take action quickly and at a level appropriate to them. Here’s just one example: switching off standby mode on electronic devices, which accounts for up to 10% of electricity consumption. 

Taking action on your heating and air conditioning systems can also help you make some huge energy (and financial!) savings.

The National Energy Transition Pact has a few simple energy-saving tips you can follow:

  • Keep the thermostat at a minimum of 26°C in summer and a maximum of 19°C in winter;
  • To help your air conditioning work better, air indoor spaces during the coolest hours of the day, close windows during the hottest times and do not open windows when the air conditioning is on;
  • Switch off heating and air conditioning when you are away for long periods of time;
  • Switch off lights and standby mode on electronic devices;
  • Install LED lighting (this reduces consumption eightfold!);
  • Replace single glazing with double or triple glazing (this cuts heating and air conditioning use by 15% and grants covering up to 45% of the cost are available).

Consider also using public transport, walking or taking your bike for short journeys. And don’t forget about car sharing (www.Klaxit.com )!

MyNexio meters, installed with support from the Government, will help you to better manage your electricity consumption by identifying your highest sources of energy use (https://mynexio.smeg.mc/signin ).

Finally, if you own your home, there are lots of grants available to help you make it more energy efficient. (For full information, see: https://energy-transition.gouv.mc/Energy-Transition/Means-of-action/Subsidies ).

There are lots of things we can do, together, to get through this winter in the best way possible.

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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Mission for Energy Transition

18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

Phone Number : (+377) 98 98 47 59