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Our “Sporting” Ambassadors featured in a new Guide to Sustainable Sport

The MTE sent the Principality’s sporting federations, clubs, and associations a

“Guide to Sustainable Sport in the Principality”, produced in close collaboration with our National Pact “Sports” Ambassadors.

Feel free to read it!

Last October, the Mission for Energy Transition sent the Principality’s sporting federations, clubs, and associations a “Guide to Sustainable Sport in the Principality”.

The Guide was produced in close collaboration with our National Pact “Sports” Ambassadors: Margot Bergesi (handball), Emilien Puyo (swimming), Kevin Crovetto (gymnastics) and Victor Langellotti (cycling) - competing in Spain on the day the photo was taken.


The guide to “green” practices in a sporting setting is aimed at sportspeople of all ages and in every category. Several federations (including swimming, athletics, cycling, gymnastics) are already on board with the initiative. Each is doing their bit, in their own way, with the resources available.

Our goal? To encourage other federations to make a difference too, by inviting their members to devote their energy and drive to the cause of protecting our planet. For a sustainable tomorrow, where sport and nature continue to co-exist in harmony...

 Read the foreword by our Ambassadors:


Dear Sportsmen,

Dear Sportswomen,

 As Ambassadors for the National Pact, we believe it’s time to take on one an increasingly daunting opponent: climate change. Whether you kick a ball around a pitch or run like the wind, whatever your sporting discipline, it’s an issue that concerns you, and us. If we want to be able to keep on enjoying our training fields in the future, we have to act now.

Sport is the best coach we could have. It teaches us the values of perseverance, respect, solidarity, and the importance of sharing positive energy.

So let’s set an example with a shared goal: to adopt sustainable practices. Let’s reduce our carbon footprint and bet on the right horses by always picking the option that’s best for the environment. And to achieve a knock-out win, we also need to inspire our teammates and get the whole side on board, for a greener future.

Whether you’re a junior or a veteran, you too can be a champion of sustainable action.

Let’s make a commitment together for a sustainable tomorrow, where sport and nature continue to co-exist in harmony.

Yours sportingly,

 Margot, Kevin, Emilien, Victor

Find more about the guide

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98000 MONACO

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