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Responsible Procurement Conference is huge success


On 22 June, the Mission for Energy Transition invited businesses who have signed the National Pact to a Responsible Procurement Conference.
For a large majority of businesses, procurement accounts for a significant share of their global greenhouse gas emissions – up to 80% for some businesses in the service sector, for example.
With this in mind, the Mission for Energy Transition hosted Nathalie Paillon, Director of Studies and Operations at the French Responsible Procurement Agency (ObsAR).
Emphasising the “weight” of procurement within the carbon footprint of a business, Nathalie Paillon explained to the large audience why and how to implement a circular economy as part of the procurement process.
She also noted that all aspects which make up the very “existence” of a product must be considered in the round. From origins to manufacture, and including the choice of supplier, the supply chain, customer relations, consumption and, ultimately, recycling, each step must be considered and analysed.

This approach applies to all types of organisation: private sector, public sector, associations, SMEs or large companies.
Secondly, several companies who have signed the National Pact contributed their views and shared some of their best practices in this area: 

  • the Monegasque Sanitation Company (SMA) talked about its lifecycle analysis requirements in calls for tender for large equipment;
  • the National Council noted its targeted requests for suppliers;
  • the Société des Bains de Mer highlighted the efforts to cut the use of plastic that it has developed with its suppliers, and the results of its “green” practices, which have been established as part of its CSR process; 

the Digital Transition Office noted the implementation of specific questionnaires in calls for tender.

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Everything about Le Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique Go to Coach Carbone Pacte website
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98000 MONACO

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