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The experience of Didier Beynet, Monaco Country Director, SBM Offshore

Didier Beynet

Social and environmental responsibility are essential values for SBM Offshore. Moreover, the group has been investing in the research and development of new technologies in the renewable energy field, for several years. It is in this spirit that SBM also wants to get involved at the local level by promoting initiatives adapted to the different circumstances of each region, with the aim of reducing its environmental impact as well as raising awareness among its employees and promoting eco-friendly behaviour.

A good example of this local commitment is symbolised by the restructuring work on the Neptune building, which was completely redesigned to the highest environmental standards and latest property development principles. The environmental footprint of the Neptune is therefore particularly modest, for the following reasons:

  • 650 m2 of solar panels produce 10% to 15% of the building's electricity consumption.
  • a solar water-heating system provides 70% of the building's hot water needs.
  • the Neptune's elevators are equipped with an energy recovery system.
  • it has low-consumption lighting with motion detectors.
  • the building is connected to the Principality's heating and air-conditioning system, which uses heat pumps, notably.

Concerning mobility, SBM Offshore first set up a teleworking pilot scheme in mid-2017 for a 6-month period. About a hundred employees took part in this pilot. As it produced very positive results, our Management decided to offer the option of teleworking one day a week to all our employees in the Principality.

Teleworking is now well-established in our company and an integral part of what we offer as an employer. Another recent example of our commitment is the replacement of our two service vehicles with hybrid models. Other initiatives will follow.

These new flexible working arrangements and their impact on energy transition were greeted with enthusiasm by our employees and over 400 of them do teleworking today. Our employees appreciated this initiative on two levels, in particular:

  • in terms of energy, it's a wonderful opportunity to combine work and energy savings, since one less return-commute per week per employee represents a substantial energy saving for the environment.
  • on a personal level, it’s a great way to combine quality of family life with working at higher productivity levels and considerable time savings for all our employees who travel by train or car to Monaco.

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18 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo
98000 MONACO

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