Managing energy consumption is a key part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

It is for this reason that, in2017,  the Prince’s Government has decided to fund the large-scale roll-out over three years of a new technology known as NIALM (Non Intrusive Appliance Load monitoring) in hotels and in the common areas of buildings.

The aim of this programme is to help stakeholders in these areas to manage their electricity consumption through a more accurate understanding of how their electricity is used.

In exchange for this solution, the beneficiaries agree to implement electricity consumption management plans.

Initial feedback in the Principality is very positive, with reductions of around 10% to 15% in consumption after several months of use.

What is Smart+ and what advantages does it offer ?

It is a monitoring tool to help manage electricity consumption and energy performance.

New metering tools and smart meters mean that today it is possible to see changes in electricity consumption over time and identify peaks.

The Smart+ solution offers complementary information by providing a detailed breakdown of consumption across different types of use.

It employs innovative, advanced technology which gives a precise overview of consumption by use, on a monthly or day-to-day basis.

The technology monitors when equipment starts and stops and identifies superfluous consumption.

Comparatif de la consommation selon la source


How to install Smart+ ?

All that is required is the installation of a box on the main low voltage switchboard. It takes less than half a day, there is no need for a general power outage and no risk to the electrical installation and equipment.

This is a major advantage over the installation of sub-meters on the various secondary switchboards.

The instruments measure the characteristics of the high-frequency electric current and send the data via a 3G modem.

An algorithm then identifies the “electric signatures” and links them to known equipment at the site. A visualisation platform allows the consumption data by use to be exploited.


What are the expected savings ?

Boîtier SMART+

Smart+ immediately highlights options for managing energy consumption, with savings of 3–10% possible WITHOUT WORK, thanks to some simple actions like adjusting systems.

Smart+ also allows you to prioritise the most promising investments from an energy perspective, by accurately calculating the savings achievable.

Thanks to Smart+, the gains made can be immediately seen on the dashboard.


Comparatif de la puissance consommée selon la source

What is the Smart+ programme being offered by the Government in cooperation with SMEG ?

The programme involved rolling out the Smart+ solution to a target group of sites in the Principality on a free-of-charge basis for three years.

The Government was committed to making the tool available at no cost for three years, and to supporting SMEG across all phases of the project, from installation of the equipment to identification of specific actions.


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Mission for Energy Transition

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98000 MONACO

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