Homepage > News > 1st MONACOLLECTE: a community waste collection and recycling event sponsored by Samuel Le Bihan

1st MONACOLLECTE: a community waste collection and recycling event sponsored by Samuel Le Bihan

1ère Monacollecte

Come and check it out on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 February, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Port Hercule Esplanade – Quai Albert I (free entry)

The Prince’s Government and the Monegasque Sanitation Company (SMA), in partnership with Monaco City Hall and MC2D, are organising a community event focused on the collection and reuse of items as well as waste recycling.

During this event, which is aimed at individuals, anyone can bring along anything that they want to get rid of to a single location. This includes waste that cannot be disposed of in the usual bins (yellow, green or grey) and items that might still be able to be reused.

Several charities will be on hand to salvage items that can be reused (clothes, toys, books, IT equipment, small electrical appliances, etc.). The rest (glass, paint, solvents, gas bottles, electrical and electronic waste, etc.) will be recycled via SMA’s recycling and treatment facilities.

There will also be free events, exhibitions and information stands about waste collection, sorting, recycling and processing.

Samuel Le Bihan, sponsor of the 1st MONACOLLECTE event

The exhibitors will include the association Earthwake, created by Samuel Le Bihan, an actor who is committed to this cause, and François Danel, the former Executive Director of Action Contre la Faim, with the aim of identifying concrete solutions to end the scourge that is the millions of tonnes of plastic waste that end up in the oceans every year, producing a lasting impact on health, the climate and marine biodiversity.


- An event to raise awareness about waste sorting using virtual reality headsets (from RecyclageVR)
- Continuous recycling demonstration using the Precious Plastic Machine by artist Johé Bruneau
- A demonstration showing collection of above-ground bins for glass and household packaging that can be recycled by SMA
- Registration for tours* of the SMA waste-to-energy plant or the PAPREC household packaging and paper recycling centre at the Prevention and Recycling Officers’ stand
- Electric waste disposal lorry tours

- Exhibition of drawings on the theme of waste collection by Year 4 (CE2) pupils at the Principality’s primary schools – members of the public will be able to vote for their favourite drawing and the one that receives the most votes will be reproduced to decorate one of the Principality’s electric waste disposal lorries

- Exhibitions of bales of recyclable waste from the recycling centre
- Information stands about waste processing and recycling to help raise public awareness featuring the following exhibitors: Earthwake, PAPREC, Ruvalor, Cliiink
- Information stands presented by the SMA waste management team and the SMA plant
- Salvage of reusable items by charities: the Red Cross, Mission Enfance, Semeurs d’Espoir, Interactions &Solidarity, SPA (Animal Refuge Monaco), the Association of Guides and Scouts of Monaco (AGSM), the Fondation de Nice, Les Amis du Liban (Friends of Lebanon), etc.

(*) tours will take place from March onwards – places are limited.

Full information is available on the www.sma.mc  website and on social media: Facebook and Instagram @monacollecte

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