Pact for Administration
While the government's eco-responsibility initiative was launched in 2008, the ‘Pacte pour l'Administration’ aims to step up the energy transition in government departments.
The Pact for Administration can be signed by any Director or Head of Department, who is responsible for mobilising his or her team and ensuring that the commitments made in the National Pact are met. During the online sign-up process, the Signatory appoints one or more referents whose role will be to coordinate the implementation of actions and raise awareness among teams, and to keep the Director or Head of Department regularly informed of progress in these areas.
Membership process
The department completes an online process in 4 steps:
- Entry of contact details for the Department, Director/Head of Department and contact person(s);
- Entry of input data for a simplified greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions report for the department;
- Reading and approval of the Commitment Charter;
- Choosing and validating the level of commitment in the Pact and the voluntary actions targeted in addition to the mandatory actions, and validating the overall summary.
You can sign up to the scheme via the ‘Coach Carbone du Pacte’ platform (choose the ‘Entity’ category and then the ‘Administration’ sector).
Next steps
Once membership has been validated by the Mission pour la Transition Energétique (MTE), which is steering this national initiative, the :
- Implements the compulsory and voluntary actions chosen in addition, no later than one year after joining, using the Implementation Guide - Pacte pour l'Administration;
- Raise awareness among its teams and take part in the thematic workshops organised by the MTE;
- Participate in the annual review organised by the MTE to report on its actions, successes and possible challenges, and to choose new actions to be implemented.
Implementation guide and questions
For more information on how to sign the Pact for Administration and implement its actions, you can download this Implementation Guide in the "Downloads" section down this page.
If you have any further questions, you can write to the Mission pour la Transition Energétique team using the contact form on this site.
Thank you for your commitment to us!