Actions of the Pact for schools

Actions of the Pact for schools

This Pact is dedicated to educational establishments, whatever the age group of pupils or students.

The Pact is therefore aimed at nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, universities and other types of educational establishments.

In addition to actions that are common to all sectors, known as ‘green office’ actions, they target the specificities of this category, such as raising awareness among pupils or students and integrating the energy transition into certain courses.

Actions for Mobility

Mandatory actions

  • I promote sustainable mobility solutions to my teams
  • I encourage students to use soft modes of transport and public transport
  • I make videoconference meetings my preferred solution to limit travel for my teams, subcontractors and customers
  • I make at least one low carbon transport option available to my team for professional purposes (e.g. public transport card, MonaBike membership, corporate bike share system, Mobee membership, company electric car)

Voluntary actions

  • I implement a “pedibus” (walking bus) (primary school)
  • I raise the students’ awareness about the prevention of dangers of using bicycles and new mobility forms.
  • I encourage the teachers to organize online seminars​​​​​​
  • If I buy a new or used professional vehicle, I choose an electric or hybrid model
  • I reward the use of sustainable mobility solutions by my teams
  • I implement telecommuting
  • I set up staggered working hours
  • I provide bicycle parking spaces for students
  • I provide parking space for new forms of mobility (scooters, skateboards, rollerblades)
  • I promote carpooling among my students (IUM)
  • If I have a cafeteria, I prioritize local products
  • I pay for part or all of my staff's public transport subscription
  • I pay out a bonus to employees who wish to purchase a bicycle or an electric / hybrid vehicle
  • I favor local businesses for my purchases of goods, equipment and services, in order to reduce travel impact

Actions for Waste

Mandatory actions

  • I implement the sorting of waste in all classrooms (by promoting the re-use of sorting bins) and an appropriate communication
  • I raise the students’ awareness of reducing and sorting waste
  • I promote the use of re-usable bottles in replacement of plastic bottles
  • I raise the students’ and parents’ awareness of zero-waste snacks (primary and middle school)
  • I set up selective waste sorting on my premises and train my teams in the right sorting actions
  • I ask the cleaning company to use ecological and biodegradable cleaning products
  • I encourage the reuse of notebooks and other supplies over the years
  • I implement a policy to prevent food waste
  • I limit the sale of over-packaged items in food dispensers
  • I install a cigarette butts collector at the entrance of my building and I educate my employees on how dangerous it is to throw their butts in the street or in sewers
  • I set up a system of bottles / water jugs, reusable glasses and dishwashers for visitors and meetings
  • If I have my waste processed outside of Monaco, I prepare my files for cross-border waste transfers
  • If I have a canteen or a company restaurant, I implement a policy to prevent food waste

Voluntary actions

  • I play a part in reducing school supplies and provide access to an online library (if I am concerned).
  • I avoid disposable plastic for any intraschool event
  • I provide my school’s playgrounds with recycling bins
  • I dematerialize the documentation
  • I reduce the total number of printers and the amount of print-outs as well
  • I use recycled paper for all my printed materials
  • I replace plastic bottles and cups with a system of water fountains and reusable bottles
  • If my school provides a uniform or specific sportswear, I implement solutions to encourage its reuse
  • I choose eco-friendly school supplies
  • I opt for reusable tableware for intraschool events
  • I organise the composting of food waste
  • I propose workshops or projects around the 3Rs (e.g. Repair café, fab lab, second hand workshop, ...)
  • I have an assessment of my waste production done and I identify the first reduction actions at source
  • I provide my teams with reusable containers and cutlery and a dishwasher to reduce disposable take-out packaging

Actions for Energy

Mandatory actions

  • I raise the awareness of both teaching and administrative teams, as well as the students about eco-friendly actions regarding energy (turning off lights, standby lights, responsible digital use)
  • I make sure that all the computers in the school’s building are turned off every night
  • I switch electrical appliances off and I make sure they are not left on standby at night and on weekends
  • I'm installing an initial tranche of LED lighting on my premises
  • If I have blinds in the classrooms, I make sure to use them during the summer to reduce the use of air conditioning
  • In offices and common areas, I set energy-saving temperature guidelines (19 ° C in winter / 26 ° C in summer)

Voluntary actions

  • I organize workshops to raise awareness about Energy
  • I set up variable flow ventilation / air conditioning
  • I generalize LED lighting to all of my premises
  • I replace single glazing with double or triple glazing
  • Eco-resident bonus action: I respond to occupant surveys in the event of an energy audit of my building
  • I install or I vote for renewable energy installation projects
  • I promote activities on how to become energy self-sufficient (e.g. project using photovoltaic cells)
  • I replace dilapidated doors and windows for better insulating solutions
  • I extend the lifespan of my objects and equipment as much as possible
  • I make my employees aware of digital eco-gestures
  • I use timers, movement detectors, and clocks to automate the switching off of the lights

Actions for Multiple impacts

Mandatory actions

  • I make students aware of seasonal fruit and vegetables

Voluntary actions

  • I raise my students’ awareness about the Energy Transition
  • I add greenery to my school
  • I develop integrated projects combining several fields related to sustainability
  • For primary schools, I work on a "Pupils' Pact" by involving them in the reflection
  • I invite my teams to sign the Pact for Individuals
  • If I have a canteen or a company restaurant, I favor local and seasonal fruits and vegetables, and offer vegetarian options on my menu