

The Prince's Government is pursuing a policy to encourage more environmentally-friendly mobility, which is at the heart of Monaco's energy transition.

Support for the purchase of electric vehicles (including two-wheelers and heavy goods vehicles); a network of powerful, free recharging stations; financial support for car-sharing; reduced season tickets for electric vehicles in public car parks and free surface parking and annual registration; offers for the use of public transport / shared mobility schemes; an increase in the number of Monabike stations, electric buses and mechanised links; a clear and ambitious strategy to reduce car traffic...
The government is proposing simple, effective solutions for the whole country. It's up to us to adopt them!

Electric powered

Electric powered

At the start of 2023, environmentally-friendly vehicles accounted for almost 14% of the Monegasque fleet.
Monaco ON

Monaco ON

The ‘Monaco ON’ network makes recharging electric vehicles ever more efficient, accessible and available to as many people as possible.


In March 2023, Klaxit, with which the Principality had had a contract since September 2020, was acquired by BlaBlaCar.
Best practice in companies

Best practice in companies

Conversion and rationalisation of the vehicle fleet to electric, ‘sustainable mobility’ packages, reimbursement of part of public transport season tickets, ‘mobility’ surveys, installation of bicycle racks, car-sharing, car-pooling, introduction of staggered working hours, etc.


Discover the latest Initiatives on Monaco’s Energy Transition.

Let's do it!

Action sheets - Mobility

Action sheets - Mobility

The list below contains all the action sheets relating to Mobility in the Principality. They will guide you in implementing this theme by giving you advice, key figures, resources and contacts.

See page