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A New Tool for the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE): the "National Pact Ambassador" Programme

Julien Vidal entouré des Ambassadeurs du Pacte National ©Direction de la Communication – Manuel Vitali

On Tuesday 22 June, an important meeting was held in connection with promoting energy transition messages more widely – via National Pact Ambassadors.

Julien Vidal*, who was the guest of the MTE for the third time since 2019, was present at this event to train the new spokespersons.

The day was divided into two parts:

Firstly, time was devoted to training sixteen new National Pact Ambassadors (see below), designated by the MTE.  These Ambassadors, who have very diverse profiles and backgrounds, will "reinforce the ranks" of the first ten, who were appointed in September 2020.

As a reminder, National Pact Ambassadors represent the National Pact in their entourage/community, with the active support of the MTE, which provides and coordinates training, action-oriented workshops and follow-up.  They become "spokespeople" for the Principality's energy transition issues.

Later in the day, a presentation of the new "National Pact Ambassador" programme was held for the general public.  The Pact's Carbon Coach now allows any member of the Pact who so wishes to apply to become an Ambassador and thus disseminate the MTE's messages.

The audience was then invited by Julien Vidal to take part in a lively debate, which was designed to help future Ambassadors develop and communicate their message.

Can we bring about change on our own?  How can we get around excuses for inaction?  How can we combat preconceived ideas and "false good ideas," and "deconstruct" prejudices? ...  Julien Vidal's dynamic, inspiring and iconoclastic approach made the event particularly lively.

If you would also like to become a National Pact Ambassador, click on the "My Account" tab of the Carbon Coach (https://pacte-coachcarbone.mc/ ) !

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98000 MONACO

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