International Plastic Bag Free Day

Published on 2 July 2021 at 12:00 - Modified the 11 November 2024 at 15:28

Visuel Journée sans sac plastique

Journée Mondiale sans sac plastique

International Plastic Bag Free Day is celebrated on 3 July. It is an opportunity to highlight and reiterate the need to gradually phase out plastic bags and promote the use of reusable organic bags.

 Plastic bags can take a very long time to decompose; up to 100 years. This is a lengthy process, during which they release tiny particles of toxic chemicals into the soil and water. They pollute the environment and damage living organisms, such as those in the marine environment, with consequences for the entire food chain, and present a risk for many animal species.

In Monaco, single-use plastic carrier bags have been banned since June 2016.

In January 2017, this ban was extended to all plastic bags used for packaging goods in stores (supermarkets/butchers/markets/pharmacies, etc.), made from less than 30% of bio-based materials.

This proportion has gradually been increased to a minimum of 40% in January 2018, 50% in January 2020 and was set at 60% in January 2025.

To further this approach, the Prince's Government has offered an organic cotton bag to all residents of the Principality. A few bags are still available, and if you wish, you can obtain one by sending a request by e-mail to the Department of the Environment:

For further information, see: Department of the Environment - Guide to the ban on single-use plastic bags