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Official Launch of Klaxit in the Principality of Monaco Car-Sharing App for Commuting between Home and Work

The 25 partner establishments of the project with Marie-Pierre Gramaglia. © Manuel Vitali/Government Communication Department

This morning, in the presence of Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, the official launch of a new car-sharing scheme in the Principality took place.  The scheme is flexible, adaptable and particularly suited to home/work trips.  It is based on an App from the Klaxit company, the French leader in short distance car sharing.

Twenty-five establishments in the Principality, which are all signatories of the National Energy Transition Pact and represent more than 9,300 employees, are taking part.  They are listed in the Klaxit App and will be backed throughout the experiment with workshops, documentation, assessments and progress reports.

The aim is to rapidly build up a "critical mass" of users, which will make it possible to create a "virtuous circle" and evaluate the effectiveness of the scheme among commuters.  (It should be noted that the current health context restricts the capacity of car sharers per vehicle.  The Government has decided not to postpone the launch of the project, as it is essential to make use of this shared mobility scheme).

The experiment is being implemented for one year.  It is a joint public/private undertaking, and is a practical expression of the State's wish to reduce current automobile traffic by 20% by 2030, while absorbing the additional traffic created by Monaco's economic development.  The aim is to return to the level of traffic density noted in 1990.

"50,000 French and Italian employees travel to the Principality every day, the majority by car, with an average occupation rate of 1.1 people per vehicle.  This flow of employees, which is obviously essential for the economic dynamism of the Principality, poses a huge challenge, particularly in terms of congestion and greenhouse gas emissions," stated Marie-Pierre Gramaglia.

Klaxit, which is backed jointly by the Energy Transition Mission, the  Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility and the Digital Services Department, is a perfect illustration of the Government's proactive, ambitious policy to promote public transport and shared mobility.  By relaying information on the Klaxit scheme to its member companies, the Monaco Economic Board is also particularly involved.

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